Denton Guyer vs. McKinney - Boys 2022 Week 27 Basketball Highlights


Wes Watson's McKinney Lions taking on Denton Guyer for the 3rd time to see who would be top seed out of 5-6A

3rd quarter, tied at 31, Wildcats go inside to KyeRon Lindsay who stuffs it home. 21 points for the UNLV recruit.

Guyer's freshman guards were tough again. This is Jeremiah Green with the strong take down the lane for 2 putting Guyer up 5, but on the other end, Alex Anamekwe spots up for 3 and it's good.

Jakobe Walter takes the 3 and misses, but this is why you never give up, kids....Walter pops the ball away from Lindsay and scores. Good effort there.

We talked about the freshman guards earlier...well here's the other one...Jordon Lowery with the steal, bucket and one....44-39 Wildcats after 3 quarters.

Another nice night from Walter, as he uses the screen and is wide open for a 3 pointer. 19 points for the junior.

But Guyer would get that number 1 spot. Here comes Green again down the lane with the floater. 12 points for him. Guyer wins it 67-55.

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