Thomas Jefferson vs Spruce - 2019 Week 9 Football Highlights


Jerry Jones showed up at T J's homecoming game Saturday morning to help bring cheer up a team that has been through alot this past week. Before the Patriots kicked off against Spruce, Jerry Jones, accompanied by his wife, Charlotte, and 5 time Super Bowl champ, Charles Haley, donated 1 million dollars to DISD. Wow, what an amazing gesture.

And it got the winless Patriots started off right because less then a minute into the game, Roger Mercado with the 11 yard pick 6 and T J led 7-0.

Spruce would take over from there. Shawn Hodge with a 63 yard touchdown run here as Spruce wins it 48-7, but, again, what a tremendous gesture by the Cowboys to help out after the devastating tornado

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